Adult Ministries
Our Mid-week Worship and Prayer is a time to learn and pray together.
During the school year, Adult electives are provided during the 9:30 Sunday School hour.
Throughout the year workshops and classes are conducted on various topics to meet the needs of the body.

Student Ministries
Faith Baptist believes students are the present of the church, not just the future. Students have opportunities to join us during:
Sunday School at 9:30am during the school year, focusing on how to ask good questions and seek out answers.
Weekly Wednesday Youth Group at 6:45 pm full of teenagers with an emphasis on making church fun without missing what’s important!
Special Events throughout the year you won’t want to miss!
If you'd like to be involved, reach Jonathan at faithbaptiststudentmin@gmail.com or opt to receive our weekly email regarding all things student ministry!
Kids Ministries
During the school year, we have age appropriate classes on Sunday morning at 9:30. There's music, lessons and activities to help children learn about God's Word.
During the Morning Worship hour there is Junior Church option for kids ages 4 through 5th grade.
A Staffed Nursery is available during Morning Worship for children under age 4.
We have a number of events for the whole family throughout the year.